Today started with a bush breakfast.
Bacon, egg, cheese and kangaroo jaffles cooked on the fires - what a treat!
Our search for gold begins. We are about 13km from the Super Pit at Lake Douglas, fingers crossed...

Mr Byrnes group heading off in search of the bigger rocks, meanwhile the rest of us are content with the rocks a little closer to the bus. The kids are very hopeful and already have big plans on what they will do with the gold when they get home!
The race is on... Hi ho, hi ho, hi hoooooo....
Ashaela has struck gold!!!!!!

GOLD RUSH!! 38 nuggets (flakes!!) found.

Lunch in Coolgardie. COOLgardie should be called HOTgardie!

We stopped at Warden Finnety's House and saw Coolgardie's original water hole. We learnt that Coolgardie was named after the Mulga tree and water. The aboriginal words for these two things sounded like Coolgardie to the European settlers.
Our dinner tonight...
Have ball, will play foursquare :)

My bootscootin' baby is driving me crazy, my obsession for my western, dance all day...
Yeeee hah!!!

Bootscooting Instruction
Say Jeronimo (Mrs Beeck has arrived!!)
Go the teachers...​
Psycho Jacob!
Miss Norman's late gold prospecting photos and Coolgardie :)