Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
Gnowangerup District High School began implementing PBS in 2020 with the purpose to teach and recognise positive behaviour through the implementation of the PBS framework. In conjunction with our school community, we will engage, teach and enable students to aquire and uphold positive behaviour. We will provide a safe and supportive learning environment where staff will model, and students will practice positive behaviour
Developed over twenty years ago, PBS is now internationally recognised and used in over 18000 schools worldwide. PBS places a major focus on prevention and the following key elements help to create a safe, positive and productive learning environment:
Clearly defined and taught behaviour expectations
Consistent and frequent acknowledgment of appropriate behaviour
Constructively and specifically addressing problem behaviour
Effective use of behaviour data to assess and inform decision making
PBS is an evidence research based approach which has resulted in increased time for instruction, an increase in positive behaviours school wide and a decrease in disruptive behaviours
How does PBS provide support for all students?
A major advance in schoolwide discipline is the emphasis on schoolwide systems of support that include proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviours.
A continuum of positive behaviour support for all students is implemented across the school. Systems of support are implemented by making problem behaviour less effective, efficient, and relevant, and making desired behaviour more functional.