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Starting Our Day Fresh
The boys are fantastic at keeping their dorm neat and tidy.

Hannan's Tourist Mine
At the tourist mine we learn about prospecting by panning for gold, playing Two-up, there is a historical museum, and we can climb on a giant truck.
We were shown a gold pour by Billy who worked in the mine - his job was to blow things up... Mr Bailey is keen for his job.
The gold pour was super 'cool'!

"I loved the collection of bottles, especially the violin ones" - Toby Hinkley
We saw the first SodaStream in WA! It is called an aerator.
And tonight... probably more to come!
Thank you Mr McInerney for sending as soon as you take the photos!
Ms Nic thinks it looks like a party bus!!!
Mr Mc - "Singing YMCA for some reason!"

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